You may need only one or two of the following:
- Developmental or Structural edit
- Line or copyedit
- Proofread and polish
I will assess your FICTION OR NONFICTION manuscript and outline what I think it needs. This assessment costs you nothing. 🙂
Based on my COMMENTS, I will give you a project fee at a competitive market rate. A well-written manuscript costs THE AUTHOR less than one that needs heavier editing, so I will send you my Basic Self-Editing Guide, also free!
My services include:
Duration: approximately __ hours of work for first and final edits based on original word count of __ words.
- All edits in Word, preferably in author’s year/version, using Track Changes. I work on a Mac or a pc, consistent with author’s computer.
- Developmental or Structural edit: examination of flow of paragraphs, chapters, storyline. Creation of a timeline, if necessary. Adjustment of paragraphs, chapters, and/or plot points to be consistent within storyline. Suggestions to enhance story, plot, character arc, if needed. Creation of expanded Track Changes notes for author’s use, if needed.
- All research to verify dates, corporate names, phrases, foreign languages, etc., is included in the bid.
- Creation of internal style guide: characters’ names, physical descriptions, place names, etc., to maintain and ensure consistency. Or, adherence to publisher’s style guide when provided. Additionally, adherence to language style, grammar, and dictionary (American/British/Australian/Canadian/etc.).
- Word coaching if needed.
- Copy or line edits to clarify grammar, punctuation, tense, case.
- Proofread for misspellings.
- Final polish, proofreading, and Spellcheck before ms. is returned to author.
- Availability during entire editing process via email, Skype, or phone.
- Any minor tweaks or changes needed after turning in the final will be provided at no additional cost.
- Editor is annual subscriber to Chicago Manual of Style and uses Merriam-Webster Online as the lead dictionary.
- Author’s addition or change of 1500+ words during edits will result in a PER-WORD increase in project fee.
- Payments through PayPal or personal check. I ask 1/2 when I begin editing, and 1/2 when you receive the final edit. I’m not happy until you’re happy!